When Jesus taught in the bible he spoke in parables, and he did this for several reasons. First, was that most of his audience were unschooled, uneducated but certainly not ignorant. Secondly, I believe, was the energy of the times. The veils were so heavy that very few were able to understand the grandeur of his messages on an energetic level, so he had to speak so that those, in those times would be able to understand, if even on a superficial level.

The earth, creation, humanity is part of a process of evolution. Not the evolution of schoolbooks or Darwin, but a spiritual evolution that has been taking place for millions of years. And as that evolution progress’s it hits certain points in a cycle, and we are at that point now where humanity is beginning to understand it’s TRUE SOURCE. And as we get closer and closer to an evolutionary ascension, the veils begin to thin and those sensitive enough to feel that thinning are beginning to connect to that source and give us messages from our brother Yeshua / Jesus.

Erin Michelle is one of those special individuals that has the ability to connect to source and share timeless messages and wisdom from our brothers in Christ. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, we are going, as individuals and collectively through a major spiritual change that will culminate in the next 10-20 years and the world will be unrecognizable to humans of the last decade. Our voices will not only echo in our communities but echo out into the vastness of creation as we join our place with all our brothers and sisters.

Erin Michelle's messages bring us one step closer to our birthright, our heritage that has been hidden from us for thousands of years but is ultimately the true template for our true nature as co creators of existence and life as we know it. For as our brother Yehusa said so eloquently: There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Please take the time out your schedule each day to spend A Few Moments With GOD, listen to the messages that are brought forth, meditate on the audios and if you are moved in your heart please support Erin Michelle and individuals of like mind that are bringing the new Christ message to a humanity much in need of the Christ light.
